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Press release
Mathias Malling Mortensen 
Twelve Rooms

Jan 20 – Feb 17, 2023

Please join us for the opening reception Friday, January 20 from 17:00 – 20:00 PM.
Live synthesizer soundscapes by Simon Dokkedal (Den Sorte Skole) and beers from Blågårds

An internal travel from somewhere you were stranded to somewhere new. Step by step. The journey starts by admitting to a truth. Gaining knowledge to change unwanted ways. Step by step. Recovering and making a new way forward. Finding strength to grow into what can be. Step by step.

The exhibition Twelve Rooms shows us an inner travel through twelve internal spaces. Taking inspiration from the 12-step recovery programme each room exists in extension of one another, representing a change, or a step, towards something new. As a spiritual foundation for mental and physical healing the exhibition reflects on the journey through personal change. Mathias Malling Mortensen points to the individuality in each battle and thereby also the individuality in all recovery processes. His paper compositions open a door to our understanding of the importance of process which is unfolded through 11 multi-layered paper-cuts and emphasized in an immersive paper and light installation. The exhibition is a reminder that change rarely happens in one day and that compassion towards ourselves, and others, must be at the core of our existence. A shift in perspective will most likely only come through patience. One day at a time.

Mathias Malling Mortensen (b. 1980) is an autodidact Copenhagen-based visual artist. His practice is grounded in a long-term exploration of spatial composition, where his strong works with paper and canvas have developed into a noticeable signature. Malling Mortensen is represented by Bricks Gallery and has exhibited in several places in Denmark and abroad.

The exhibition is curated by Anne Thomasen